Ship of Fools
“This animated documentary stitches together colorful and ragged fragments of the personal life of Alia, a Lebanese woman. Growing up facing war and displacement, searching and not finding freedom, she forms a friendship with a would-be superhero on the shore of Beirut called Abu Samra. She trains with him, and their monsters meet. Together, Alia and Abu Samra survive by finding comfort in the insanity that the city has sown in them. When the Lebanese revolution starts on October 17, 2019, they realize they are not alone”
Director - Alia Haju
Cinematographer - Jan Fabi
Editor - Tobias Wilhelmer
Animation - Amelie Kahlo, Alexia Mokry
Composer - Luis Schöffend
Music - Huda Asfour
Production - Paradoks Film
Funding - Doha Film Institute
AFAC - Arab Fund For Arts And Culture
Kuratorium junger deutscher Film
MFG Medien und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg
Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival 2025