Nollywood - Filmbusiness African Style

"The second largest film industry in the world" (UNESCO) is called Nollywood and is based in Lagos, Nigeria. The success story of the eccentric dream factory is also shaped by a German tech-investor.

 The opportunities in the burgeoning industry attract diverse characters. Director Abba Makama sees the moment for an intellectual cinematic movement, a sort of Nigerian New Wave. Bastian Gotter, a young investor from Berlin, tells how he and his Nigerian partner – almost by accident – succeeded in founding the largest streaming service in Africa. Popcorn cinema producer Don Omope also wants to make use of the positive spirit: "We are here to become the Nigerian Tarantinos and Steven Spielbergs."

Director - Johannes Preuss
Editor - Tobias Wilhelmer

Documentary, 65min


Ship of Fools


Because We Dreamt Of Flying